How much can you actually save  on fertiliser spreading accuracy?

It all adds up

How much money is wasted when your spreader is not correctly calibrated? According to Yara simulation and field trials, there is on average 3.0% yield improvements when comparing a covariance of 10% to a covariance of 34%. Axel Link, Senior Scientist at Yara's Hanninghof research centre, has developed a model which illustrates the possible losses per hectare on both N responsive sites and N unresponsive sites.

"Achieving accurate fertiliser spreading can mean an extra £20-100 per hectare from yield improvements alone, depending upon the nitrogen responsiveness of field sites", explains Miles Harriman, Yara's Chief European Agronomist.

How much can you actually save  on fertiliser spreading accuracy?


Don't waste fertiliser

“Wasting fertiliser by putting it at the wrong place at the wrong time is not only a costly affair because of the wasted fertiliser, you also risk consequences on the yield, such as yield loss, uneven maturity, slow harvesting, increased lodging risk, and uneven protein content,” says Yara agronomist Natalie Wood.

The time spent getting the spreading right might end up being your most valuable minutes in crop management.

Avoiding lodging

Nitrogen is one of the main drivers of crop yield, it helps crops grow. But beware: uneven spreading results in too much nitrogen in some areas, and too little in others. Excess nitrogen creates tall, skinny stems that are too feeble to hold themselves up; this is known as lodging. Lodged plants are harder to harvest and lead to yield losses, as not all grains can be picked up. Uneven nitrogen fertiliser application creates irregular maturity. All in all, an unnecessary and costly affair you want to avoid.

Are you aware of these easy steps that will make your spreading more precise?

Uneven protein levels: The differences you can’t spot

Striping in the field and lodging are two consequences of inaccurate spreading which are easy to spot. But there are more effects of uneven spreading in the field, and they are not evident until after harvest. One you surely want to avoid is uneven protein levels in the crop. This imbalanced level of protein can end up bringing the average down on your whole harvest, sending it below the quality demands of the industry. Yet another unnecessary and costly affair you want to avoid.

Find the correct settings for your spreader and fertiliser choice.

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